Evansville A.G.O.
Online Newsletter of the American Guild of Organists 
Evansville, Indiana Chapter
Summer 2009

Summer Social 2009

An enjoyable evening was had by all at our summer social at the home of Kristin Jones, August 23, 2009.  Robert Nicholls reported on the upcoming season and presented a slideshow of the POEA.  We held some of Kristin's husband Wayne's historic instruments for our photo.


POEA 2009 after Roth concert in Huntingburg
Pictured above are participants in the POEA 2009 organized by the Evansville Chapter and the University of Evansville Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.  Shown are participating students, faculty and chaperones, with Daniel Roth and Phyllis Menke in the pulpit at the Huntingburg United Church of Christ following Daniel Roth's wonderful concert on Wednesday evening.  The Phylllis and Robert Menke Endowment of the Dubois County Community Foundation sponsored the concert.  The students and wider community also were inspired by concerts on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings by the POEA faculty.

Schwandt's class O'Neill's Keyboard Harmony Class
Roberta Gary's class Tarrant's Class
Classes in improvisation by John Schwandt, keyboard harmony by Douglas O'Neill,
body-mapping by Roberta Gary and masterclass teaching by Jeremy David Tarrant. 

Organ building class
Organ building class with organbuilder Michael Rathke.

harpsichords keyboard lab
Classes on the University of Evansville harpsichords and in the keyboard lab.

Class with Douglas Reed
Instruction by POEA Faculty Coordinator Douglas Reed.

Organ lessons were given throughout the week by all faculty members.
Masterclass with Janette Fishell at St. Meinrad. Masterclass with Jay Peterson at St. Meinrad.
James David Christie teaching at St. Meinrad. Group in chancel at St. Meinrad.
Masterclass teaching by Janette Fishell, Jay Peterson
and James David Christie at St. Meinrad Archabbey.

POEA group Thursday evening
POEA 2009 participating students, University of Evansville student chaperones,
 and Thursday evening's local performers Thomas Drury, Helen Reed and Robert Nicholls.

Students carrying small Rathke organ outside Students carrying small Rathke organ inside.
Rathke organ
Display organ refurbished by Michael Rathke,
temporarily housed at the University of Evansville
and used for teaching and practice during the POEA 2009.

Student practicing on the Noack at UE. Student practicing on the Fisk at UE.
Twenty organs around Evansville were available for student practice each day.

Welcome Meal Welcome meal, students
Meal Meal 2
Covered-dish dinner with delicious dishes provided by the Evansville A.G.O. Chapter.

Student recital at Trinity Methodist Church
Student recital at Trinity Methodist Church on the last day.
Final Student concert, students and faculty
Faculty and students.

Tinker organ pipe display Tinker organ bass pipes
Pipes from the Tinker Memorial Organ of the Evansville Coliseum were on display
in the lobby of Wheeler Concert Hall at the University of Evansville during the POEA 2009.

 We will post more photos and reports from the 2009 POEA as they become available. 
Click here for our POEA page with a detailed description of the 2009 POEA in Evansville, Indiana.


Facebook is an online social networking website.  We've created a page for our chapter on Facebook as we try to stay up-to-date on modern communication opportunities out there.  Facebook is very popular with certain age groups and segments of our society that we need to be reaching out to.  If you're already on Facebook, join up.  If not, you might enjoy the online community it provides.

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Organ Spectacular Participants, October 2008
Organ Spectacular Concert in October 2008 at Methodist Temple

Tinker Concert November 2008 at UE
Tinker Concert in November 2008 at the University of Evansville

Choral Festival at First Presbyterian in Feb 2009
First Presbyterian Choral Festival in February 2009

Tom Drury's concert March 2009
Tom Drury's concert in March of 2009

Clark masterclass, students  Clark Masterclass  Clark masterclass, student playing
Robert Clark masterclass in April 2009 at First Presbyterian

Helen Reed's concert, wide view  Helen Reed at concert in April 2009
Helen Reed's organ/harpsichord concert in April 2009

Additional photos welcome, send to nealbiggers@yahoo.com.
Thanks goes to Matthew Vanover, and other AGO members, for providing many of these photos.

For upcoming events, see our Program Calendar page.

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