View of
          Holy Name Catholic Church exterior from a distance.

Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church
Henderson, Kentucky

 Wicks Organ Company
Opus 2735
20 Ranks

16' Bourdon - 12 Pipes
8’ Open Diapason -61 Pipes
8’ 2nd Open Diapason -61 Pipes
8’ Violincello -61 Pipes
8’ Melodia -61 Pipes
8’ Gemshorn -61 Pipes
4’ Octave -12 Pipes
4’ Violin -12 Pipes
4’ Hohl Flute -12 Pipes
4’ Gemshorn -12 Pipes
2 2/3’ Twelfth -61 Pipes
2’ Super Octave -61 Pipes
III Plein Jeu [SW]
8’ Trumpet -61 Pipes
8’ English Horn [SW]
4’ Clarion

Glockenstern  NEW
(activated with thumb or
 toe piston, adjustable speed)


16’ Lieblich Gedeckt -12 Pipes
8’ Geigen Diapason -61 Pipes
8’ Gedeckt -61 Pipes
8’ Viol D’Orchestra -61 Pipes
8’ Viole Dolce -61 Pipes
8’ Celeste -49 Pipes
8’ Aeoline -61 Pipes
4’ Octave Geigen -12 Pipes
4’ Harmonic Flute -61 Pipes
4’ Viole Dolce -12 Pipes
4’ Celeste -12 Pipes
2 2/3’ Nazard -19 Pipes
2’ Piccolo -12 Pipes
III Plein Jeu -183 Pipes
8’ English Horn -61 Pipes

12 Generals
(7-10 duplicated on toe studs)
5 Divisionals for each division
128 levels of Memory


32’ Resultant
16’ Open Diapason -12 Pipes
16’ Bourdon [GT]
16’ Lieblich Gedeckt [SW]
8’ Prestant -32 Pipes
8’ Violincello [GT]
8’ Flute [GT]
4’ Prestant -12 Pipes
4’ Harmonic Flute [SW]
16’ Trumpet -12 Pipes
8’ Trumpet [GT]
4’ English Horn [SW]

Sw/Gt: 16, 8, 4
Sw/Ped: 8
Gt/Ped: 8, 4
Gt/Gt: 16, 4, Unison Off
Sw/Sw: 16, 4, Unison Off


There was an organ in this church before Wicks' Opus 2735 was installed in 1946, but no records of it have been located.  Some older parishioners remember as children seeing exposed organ pipes that partial covered the windows in the rear choir loft gallery.  It's possible that some of the pipes from that organ were included in the 1946 installation, as some of the current pipes show evidence of use in an older organ (see photo below). 

The thirteen-rank Opus 2735 included a variety of colorful string stops and several bold diapasons, as well as contrasting flute and reed ranks.  As was common in relatively small church organs in the first half of the 20th century, brightness was achieved through the narrow scaling of string and diapason ranks (the narrow scaling brings out the upper harmonics in individual pipes) rather than by adding higher-pitched principals and mixtures.  These varying timbres blended overhead in this high-ceiling room, filling it with a smooth, warm sound that fit the nature of chant-based liturgical music and popular devotional music and hymns of the pre-Vatican II parish church. 

By the early 1980s the organ had suffered, perhaps from water damage around the bell tower, as new bottom-boards were put on some of the chests on the tower side of the organ.  A switch was made to a solid state relay system, thus eliminating use of the mechanical-electrical linkages in the stop and coupler actions.

In 2009, seven new ranks of pipes were made by the Wicks shop to blend with the original thirteen unified ranks to add brightness, greater clarity of voices and increased independence of stops, while intentionally maintaining the historic character and tonal color of the instrument.  The new pipes are on newly added chests placed inside the existing chambers; except for the new pedal principal pipes which are placed in decorative oak casework on the outside of the chambers.  The console has been refurbished, including optical key contacts, a new multi-level combination memory system and a MIDI sequencer allowing record/playback and synthesized sounds playable on the MIDI stops. The relay system received further upgrading and most of the reed pipes were sent to the Wicks shop for refurbishing.  Sam Bowerman, the Kentucky/Southern Indiana area representative for Wicks and proprietor of River City Organ Works in Louisville, led the planning and installation phases of the project.  On-site tonal finishing was provided by Christopher Soer and Jonathan Lester.  Re-dedication recitals were performed in 2010 on January 9 by Neal Biggers and June 26 by Karen Schneider Kerner.

In the fall of 2011, an electrical surge during a lightning storm burned out several of the new electrical components of the organ rendering it unplayable for weeks as insurance claims were pursued for tens of thousands of dollars in repairs.

                 -Neal Biggers, Director of Music and Liturgical Ministries

Holy Name, Henderson
          Ky, new facade pipes

New Harmonic Flute

Stenciling on olf pipes
Evidence of stenciling on existing pipes installed in1946, obviously from an earlier organ.

Sound and Video Clips:

"In dulci jubilo" Marcel Dupre'  "Swiss Noel" Louis-Claude Daquin

"Nun freut euch" J.S. Bach
Pre-renovation photos
Fugue in G Minor, J.S.Bach
Renovation photos

Hymn: Joy to the World

Photo of church exterior by Jason Presser.

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