McCutchanville Methodist, exterior  McCutchanville Methodist, chancel
McCutchanville Methodist Church
Evansville, Indiana
(Now McCutchanville Community Church Chapel)
M. P. Möller (ca. 1941, Opus 7023) 2 manuals. 23 registers.


...Hymn books were scarce....The leader read a line, the congregation sang. A second line was read and sung. In case the leader was not a singer, someone in the audience was called on to pitch the tune. Quite frequently it was pitched out of tune. The younger and more progressive members wanted a surer guide. After much scheming a new organ was placed in the church, January 19, 1868. The organ came amid a storm of opposition and grave predictions that the younger members were on the straight road to perdition.

An important date in the church's history was September 7, 1941. The preceding autumn the official board met at the parsonage and decided that something be done to renovate the interior of the sanctuary. The building had needed redecoration for a long time, and a great many of the congregation had expressed a desire for a pipe organ.  To celebrate the completion of the project a service of rededication was held on September 7, 1941. Bishop Titus Lowe was present to give the sermon of the morning and to officiate at the baptism of infants. Following a basket dinner at the schoolhouse, Mrs. Armand Haeussler of Evansville gave a recital on the new pipe organ.

From From the book “From Then Til Now” by Kenneth McCutchan 1969. 
Book selections and photo from the church website:

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